Virtual teams – previously it was difficult to imagine. It was like how to handle so many employees virtually when even 2-3 are so difficult to handle!!. But these days, amid lockdown when we are sailing through one of the most uncertain times, no option left. Everyone is working virtually.Even now a days many companies are thinking of cutting their offices and starting work virtual. Indeed, it cuts infrastructure costs a lot. 🙂
So, today let’s talk about how to handle it effectively.
Never Delay the Appreciation.
First thing which I personally think an employee needs is motivation to sit and work daily sitting at home. From where it will come? It will come from the teammates who will keep appreciating their team members for small and big things always. Motivation is definitely a key to success both for employer and employee.
Like in offices, we conduct meetings daily, we should keep the flow alive. But make sure meetings must be over video calls. The reason I am saying this is because, being not at office made us multitasking :p. So to assure alls focus in the meeting I suggest to use video calling. Discuss your tasks, make MOM and just go on..
Employees Collaboration
Tracking the work of your employees and delivering correct information to them is necessary because now you are not in front of them to explain anytime easily. So maintaining a workplace is important. There are several tools you can use to track the work – Facebook Workplace, Godaddy’s GoodDay and many many more.
As now we can not talk to the next person sitting in the next cubical box, productivity may decrease as not getting instant answers is the reason. So using chat boxes is really helpful. Use Skype, Slack, Whatsapp or any chanting messengers to increase productivity.
Do not think now you can not have Office Friday activities now. You can still enjoy it with your team. Ask them to post pics of them with their family, dishes. Household works or anything interesting. This really makes everyone happy and happiness always led to great results.
Share your ideas on how to get better with virtual teams.